Presented by:


Leo Hsu and Regina Obe

Paragon Corporation

Regina Obe and Leo Hsu are co-founders of Paragon Corporation, a database and web application consulting company based in Boston. They have extensive experience with PostGIS and PostgreSQL. They are co-authors of PostGIS in Action (1st and 2nd editions) (publisher Manning) and PostgreSQL: Up and Running (1st and 2nd editions) (publisher O'Reilly).

They are currently working on more books, pgRouting: a Practical Guide, (publisher LocatePress) and PostgreSQL: Up and Running (3rd edition).

No video of the event yet, sorry!

If you want to follow along on your laptop, you should already have PostGIS 2.3 and PostgreSQL 9.6 installed as well as QGIS desktop software. For those who don't have time to prep but still want to follow along, we'll have a test server available with ability to run queries using pgAdmin4. This workshop will cover the following topics: Overview of the 2 core vector types geometry and geography including both 2D and 3D subtypes as well as the raster type. How to load data in geography, geometry, and raster. How you can use PostGIS for spatial analysis to help answer questions about where and how far and also summary stats using raster. PostGIS proximity operators and functions including how to utilize KNN enhancements.for both geometry and geography types. Taking advantage of PostgreSQL 9.6 parallel support. Visualizing answers to spatial questions with Open Source desktop spatial tools. Using PostGIS to reshape spatial data. Geocoding with PostGIS tiger geocoder Time permitting, or if enough interest, we'll also do some coverage of pgRouting which is another PostgreSQL extension that builds on PostGIS for network routing and drive analysis. We'll be using PostgreSQL 9.6+ and PostGIS 2.3 for this workshop, but most examples will work with PostGIS 2.2 and lower versions of PostgreSQL.

2017 March 28 09:00 EDT
3 h
Liberty III
PGConf US 2017 [PgConf.US]