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Andreas Scherbaum is working with PostgreSQL since 1997. He is involved in several PostgreSQL related community projects, member of the Board of Directors of the European PostgreSQL User Group and also wrote a PostgreSQL book (in German). Since 2011 he is working for EMC/Greenplum/Pivotal and tackles very big databases.

Ever wondered what might be the best data type for a certain use case? Is it better to use INTEGER or BIGINT, and should you use TIMESTAMP or is it better to use TIMESTAMPTZ? When is the last time you migrated a legacy database and wondered what to use as replacement for VARCHAR2 or CHAR(255)? How to store IP addresses or geographical data, does that fit into VARCHAR or is there something more suitable? PostgreSQL 9.6 comes with around 40 different data types preinstalled. This talk looks beyond INTEGER and VARCHAR and dives into some of the lesser known PostgreSQL data types. Use cases and examples show which data type is a good fit for a certain situation.

50 min
PGConf US 2017 [PgConf.US]