Presented by:

Denis is an expert in distributed systems and platforms who developed his skills by constantly contributing to Apache Ignite In-Memory Data Fabric and helping out GridGain In-Memory Data Fabric customers building distributed and fault-tolerant solutions on top of the platform.

Before joining GridGain and becoming a part of Apache Ignite community Denis worked for Oracle Inc. where he led Java ME Embedded Porting Team helping Java opening new boundaries by entering IoT market.

Presently Denis takes a role of Product Manager in GridGain and PMC Chair in Apache Ignite leading both products to exciting future.

Learn how to boost performance 1,000x and scale to over 1 billion transactions per second with in-memory storage of hundreds of TBs of data for your SQL-based applications.

Apache Ignite is a unique NewSQL platform that is built on top of a distributed key-value storage and provides full-fledged SQL support. Denis will show how Apache Ignite handles auto-loading of SQL schema and data, SQL indexes, compound indexes support, and various forms of SQL queries including distributed SQL joins. It will be demonstrated how to connect to Apache Ignite from your favorite tool or application language using ODBC or JDBC driver and start talking to a clustered data using familiar statements like SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT.

Apache Ignite In-Memory SQL Grid

He will also take live questions from the audience, so this is your opportunity to learn how to accelerate your SQL-based applications directly from a foremost expert in the field.

2017 March 30 10:00 EDT
50 min
Liberty II
PGConf US 2017 [PgConf.US]