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Presented by:

Leta 6071 949

Leta Keane

Turing School

Leta (they/she) is an instructor of Front-End Engineering at Turing School in Denver, CO, where she teaches rookie developers the nuts and bolts of JavaScript and React. An incurable dork, Leta is bonkers-infatuated with astronomy, code that’s readable instead of just clever, onomatopoeias, car camping, and high fives. They sometimes tweet about coding, social justice, and embarrassingly personal stuff at @Leeeeta.

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Tech is a field full of experts. How do we know when our own love of knowhow is holding us back? If we can't admit that we don't know something, are we really able to keep learning? How does this idea of Expertise contribute to the lack of diversity and inclusion on our teams?

This talk will examine grit, growth mindset, and the ways our love of knowing everything can actually keep us from cultivating an environment where we can do our best learning or take the kinds of risks that lead to innovation. This also becomes especially important as more and more teams are tasked with training junior developers - how do we best ramp up enthusiastic rookies? In this talk, we'll learn concrete strategies to check our pride at the door, lean into the discomfort of growth mindset, and cultivate a team that isn't afraid to say "I don't know, but let's find out!"

2023 April 20 11:10 PDT
20 min
Almaden Ballroom, Main Level
Silicon Valley 2023