Presented by:

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Thuymy Tran

Amazon Web Services

Thuymy is an AWS Database Solutions Architect with a long background in Oracle databases. Previous to becoming a Solutions Architect, Thuymy worked as an Oracle DBA for 15+ years and has since worked as a Solutions Architect at both Oracle and AWS. At AWS, Thuymy works with customers to design database cloud solutions and her technical focus area is in PostgreSQL.


Wanda He

Amazon AWS

Wanda He is a Prin. Database Specialist Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS). She works with customers on design, deploy, and optimize relational databases on AWS. Wanda has been working with relational database for over 20 years. Previously, she was a member of of Microsoft SQL Server Customer Advisory Team. At AWS, she specialized in RDS/Aurora PostgreSQL, RDS SQL Server, and RDS on Outposts.

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This session takes the angle of a SQL Server DBA, compares and contrasts Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL platform/features for addressing database lifecycle management challenges, such as, high availability, disasters recovery, backup/restore, performance scalability, patch/upgrade, and on-going maintenance tasks.

2024 November 7 11:40 PST
50 min
Essentials: 420
Seattle 2024