Seattle 2024 Program

PostgresConf Organizers Registration

presented by PostgresConf Organizers


07:20 - 15:20 Level 1 - Summit Lobby
PostgresConf Organizers Keynote

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

PASS Data Community Summit Keynotes

08:10 - 09:30 Microsoft Keynote Room: Level 5 - Ballroom 1
PostgresConf Organizers Community Zone

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

Level 3 - Garden Lounge

09:30 - 18:00 Level 3 - Garden Lounge
Eric Lendvai Tips and Tricks for developers moving to PostgreSQL

presented by Eric Lendvai

This session will focus on assisting developers transitioning from Oracle, MSSQL, or MySQL to PostgreSQL.

You will learn about the key differences in PostgreSQL, including field types, namespaces, indexes, and essential schema maintenance techniques. We will provide a quick overview of how PostgreSQL handles high-performance updates and discuss the implications of the VACUUM process.



09:40 - 10:30 Dev: 422 Dev
ANITA SINGH Sukhpreet Bedi Understanding Database Statistics in Postgres

presented by ANITA SINGH and Sukhpreet Bedi

Extract: Understanding Database Statistics in PostgreSQL Understanding Database Statistics in Postgres Session Description Database statistics play a crucial role in optimizing query performance and overall database health in Postgres. This session will provide an in-depth look at the different types of database statistics maintained by Postgres, how they are collected and used by the qu...


09:40 - 10:00 Ops: 421 Ops
Zak Tedder Journey Through Postgres
Exploring the Elephant

presented by Zak Tedder

Okay, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: Postgres! PostgreSQL has a lot going on, and traversing the ups and downs of this database management system can be daunting. We’ll navigate through indexes, partake in partitions, synchronize with sequences, extend on extensions, and more!

Join us on a journey through Postgres! We’ll take a high-level exploration of the PostgreSQL database m...


09:40 - 10:30 Essentials: 420 Essentials
Bohan Zhang Does machine learning for database optimization work in the real world?
Lessons learned from OtterTune, an AI-powered database tuning service

presented by Bohan Zhang

Database Management Systems (DBMSs) are complex software that require precise tuning to achieve optimal performance on specific hardware and workloads. However, manual tuning by experienced administrators becomes impractical for large-scale DBMS deployments. To address this challenge, there has been a growing trend in both academia and industry to employ machine learning (ML) for automatic data...


10:10 - 10:30 Ops: 421 Ops
PostgresConf Organizers Exhibit Hall

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

"Exhibit Hall Level 2 - Flex AB"

10:30 - 16:00 Exhibit Hall: Level 2
Cary Huang A technical overview to unlock Seamless Logical Replication from Heterogeneous Databases (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and More) to PostgreSQL

presented by Cary Huang

PostgreSQL has long excelled at native logical replication and is rapidly becoming a top choice for data analytics, thanks to its powerful features and flexibility. As organizations increasingly use diverse databases like MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server, the need for seamless, high-performance replication into PostgreSQL (aka Change Data Capture (CDC)) has become significant.

In this talk, I ...


10:40 - 11:30 Dev: 422 Dev
Shree Vidhya Sampath Leveraging Patroni's synchronous replication feature to achieve high availability while running PostgreSQL on Kubernetes.

presented by Shree Vidhya Sampath

Ensuring high availability is crucial for databases to achieve resiliency and durability. However enabling high availability while running PostgreSQL on Kubernetes poses unique challenges navigating complexities such as increased write latency, node failures, leader elections, handling replication lag etc. This talk will focus on

  • Architectural components of how at Datadog we run PostgreSQL...

10:40 - 11:30 Ops: 421 Ops
Dave Stokes JSON_TABLE() - Temporarily Turn JSON Data Into Relational Data
Best of both worlds?

presented by Dave Stokes

JSON has become the data interchange format for most developers. Storing JSON data in a JSON data type is old news in the PostgreSQL world. But JSON_TABLE() is new in version 17. It lets you temporarily convert from JSON into a relational table for processing with SQL commands, such as CTEs, Window Functions, Aggregate Functions, and the like. This is an introductory-level presentation to intro...


10:40 - 11:00 Essentials: 420 Essentials
Marcin Gwozdz FerretDB: Bringing MongoDB workloads to PostgreSQL

presented by Marcin Gwozdz

You will learn how easy migration from MongoDB to PostgreSQL can be. MongoDB is a life-changing technology for many developers. However, MongoDB abandoned its Open-Source roots, changing the license to SSPL and making it unusable for many Open Source and Commercial projects. During the talk, you will learn how FerretDB can be used as a MongoDB replacement and why we decided to use PostgreSQL a...


11:10 - 11:30 Essentials: 420 Essentials
ANITA SINGH Sukhpreet Bedi Leveling Up Your PostgreSQL Game using Extensions
PostgreSQL extensions

presented by ANITA SINGH and Sukhpreet Bedi

PostgreSQL's rich ecosystem of extensions offers a wealth of opportunities to enhance database functionality and overcome performance limitations. In this session, we will explore a curated selection of noteworthy PostgreSQL extensions and showcase how they can be leveraged to optimize database operations, improve performance, and unlock advanced capabilities.

Participants will discover how ...


11:40 - 12:00 Essentials: 420 Essentials
Grant Zhou Introducing SynchDB: Open-Source Synchronization Across Heterogeneous Databases with PostgreSQL
Seamless Integration for Modern Database Ecosystems and Bridging Data Silos

presented by Grant Zhou

As organizations increasingly manage diverse data ecosystems, ensuring seamless synchronization across heterogeneous databases is more important than ever.

We are excited to announce the open-source release of SynchDB at this conference. SynchDB is a powerful PostgreSQL extension designed to simplify data synchronization from heterogeneous databases such as MySQL, Oracle, and...


11:40 - 12:00 Ops: 421 Ops
Eric Lendvai Converting your schema from Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL to PostgreSQL in minutes with DataWharf

presented by Eric Lendvai

DataWharf is a free and open-source data modeling tool designed to facilitate the seamless migration of database schemas from Oracle, MSSQL, and MySQL to PostgreSQL in just minutes.

With DataWharf, you can easily map your column types, manage foreign key constraints, and validate your schema against various integrity rules. You can then generate migration scripts for empty catalogs or extend...


11:40 - 12:00 Dev: 422 Dev
Ranjan Burman Swanand Kshirsagar Beyond the Basics: Exploring PostgreSQL Catalogs and Extensions
Exploring PostgreSQL Catalogs and Extensions

presented by Ranjan Burman and Swanand Kshirsagar

Discover how to enhance your PostgreSQL database with powerful catalogs and extensions. Explore their essential roles in database management, from data organization and querying to advanced features like full-text search and geospatial analysis. Uncover how these tools can supercharge your database performance and capabilities.

12:10 - 13:00 Dev: 422 Dev
Grant McAlister Practical Memory Tuning for PostgreSQL

presented by Grant McAlister

This talk will first introduce the different ways PostgreSQL can use memory, from the operating system, to cluster wide and then into per session and per operation. From there we will dive into specifics around different PostgreSQL parameters like shared_buffers, work_mem, maintenance_work_mem and how to set them depending on your workload. The presentation will also cover some of the lesser kn...


12:10 - 13:00 Essentials: 420 Essentials
Fernando  Laudares Camargos What makes PostgreSQL on Kubernetes interesting, even if it is maybe not for you?

presented by Fernando Laudares Camargos

"Nothing", you might be thinking. At least I used to: it's okay for deploying application servers in an "elastic" capacity, but not for databases, which are meant to be stable and faultless. However, while Kubernetes environments remain very dynamic, it evolved to support stateful applications better and now counts with an enthusiastic Data on Kubernetes (DoK) community that keeps increasing in...


12:10 - 13:00 Ops: 421 Ops
PostgresConf Organizers Lunch

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

"AWS Dining Hall Level 2 - Flex C"

12:20 - 14:00 AWS Dining Hall Level 2 - Flex C
Stephen Atwell Christopher Crow Database DevOps
CD for Stateful Applications

presented by Stephen Atwell and Christopher Crow

In this talk, Stephen Atwell and Chris Crow will share some thoughts on managing stateful applications as part of a CD Pipeline so that applications - and the application's data - can be versioned and deployed safely and repeatedly. This talk will discuss managing persistent data within Kubernetes, as well as managing structural changes to a database as part of a CD process. With Kubernetes and...


14:00 - 14:50 Ops: 421 Ops
Janis Griffin Top 5 PostgreSQL Query Tuning Tips

presented by Janis Griffin

Performance tuning can be complex. It’s often hard to know which knob to turn or button to press to get the biggest performance boost. This presentation will detail five steps to identify performance issues and resolve them quickly. Attendees at this session will learn how to fine-tune a SQL statement quickly; identify performance inhibitors to help avoid future performance issues; recognize co...


14:00 - 14:20 Dev: 422 Dev
Thuymy Tran Wanda  He PostgreSQL for Oracle DBAs

presented by Thuymy Tran and Wanda He

Learn the architectural concepts, similarities/differences between the PostgreSQL engine and Oracle Database. Review Multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) and Subtransactions.

14:00 - 14:50 Essentials: 420 Essentials
Bhanu Ganesh Gudivada Nishad Mankar rajkumar raghuwanshi PostgreSQL Conversion Tool: Enhancing SQL Conversion with Large Language Models

presented by Bhanu Ganesh Gudivada, Nishad Mankar, and rajkumar raghuwanshi

The AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) is indispensable for automating the migration of database schemas and SQL code across different engines. However, challenges persist in handling complex SQL code or intricate database structures, often requiring manual intervention. This presentation introduces a complementary tool powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) to address these challenges, improvin...


14:30 - 14:50 Dev: 422 Dev
Saraj Munjal DDL Schema Migrations: Navigating the High-Scale Seas
Learn about common failure modes when modifying Postgres tables and how to address them

presented by Saraj Munjal

Schema migrations (DDL statements) can be a rough journey, especially when dealing with high-scale, always-online microservices. In this talk, we will:

  • Explore the common pitfalls and failure modes when modifying Postgres tables - locking and backwards-incompatibility
  • Share real-world examples from large-scale systems with minimal downtime
  • Dive into the strategies and solutions we’ve...

15:00 - 15:50 Dev: 422 Dev
Jeremy Schneider Collation Surprises: Did Postgres Lose My Data? (2024)

presented by Jeremy Schneider

Comparisons are fundamental to computing - and comparing strings is not nearly as straightforward as you might think. Collations, or the ordering and comparison of strings, is continuously evolving along with all the nuances of natural language. But databases use such comparisons everywhere: for ORDER BY, the humble >, <, and = operators, btree indexes, GROUP BY, range partitioning -- even hash...


15:00 - 15:50 Ops: 421 Ops
Pavlo Golub Professional PostgreSQL monitoring made easy

presented by Pavlo Golub

The talk firstly introduces all pertinent levels of database monitoring and then focuses on PostgreSQL and the means it provides. The meaning and importance of key metrics will be explained. As the Postgres community has already developed a lot of tools in that area, some popular common options will be highlighted together with the problems that different monitoring approaches have. To overcome...


15:00 - 15:50 Essentials: 420 Essentials
Robert Bernier Architectural Considerations When Building Out Multi-Master Replication Clusters

presented by Robert Bernier

This talk outlines and demonstrates several opportunistic methods scaling your PostgreSQL replication cluster across multiple regions. Each architecture is presented as as POC profiling its particular strengths and of course weaknesses. It is hoped that by demonstrating these variations an appropriate architecture can be created that can best meet any long term objectives over its life-cycle.

16:00 - 16:50 Dev: 422 Dev
Clay  Jackson Bridging the Gap: Smooth Data Migration from Oracle to PostgreSQL

presented by Clay Jackson

In today's data-driven world, the demand for data is increasing and its protection is critical. Oracle is everywhere - from ERP to medical and other applications. However, not all applications need all the features and cost of Oracle. In this presentation, we will explore ways to move data from Oracle to PostgreSQL.

We will begin by highlighting the high-level trends in data and the growing ...


16:00 - 16:50 Ops: 421 Ops
Suraj Talreja Bridging the Gap: Transition from SQL Server to Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL
Modernize your MSSQL Databases to Postgres with Babelfish

presented by Suraj Talreja

Performing heterogenous database migrations usually involved heavy application redevelopment or re-architecture. In this presentation we will talk about Babelfish for AWS Aurora Postgres as a quick alternative to modernizing to Postgres and the Assessment Service that Cornerstone Consulting Group provides for customers that are interested in modernizing their MSSQL workloads.

The key topic...


16:00 - 16:20 Essentials: 420 Essentials
Chandra Pathivada Why PostgreSQL Isn't Utilizing Indexes: Diagnosing and Solving Performance Issues"

presented by Chandra Pathivada

In this session, we delve into the common scenarios where PostgreSQL may not be utilizing indexes as expected, leading to suboptimal query performance. We explore the underlying reasons, such as query optimization, data distribution, and indexing strategies, that can impact index usage. Join us as we discuss practical solutions and best practices for diagnosing and rectifying these issues, ulti...


16:30 - 17:20 Essentials: 420 Essentials
BAJI SHAIK Sameer Malik Overcoming Migration Challenges: From Oracle to PostgreSQL
Overcoming Migration Challenges: From Oracle to PostgreSQL

presented by BAJI SHAIK and Sameer Malik

Migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL is a complex, multi-stage process that involves a variety of technologies and skills. This presentation will explore the key challenges faced during this migration, from the initial assessment to the final cutover. We will discuss critical issues such as converting SYSDATE and NUMBER datatypes, which, if not addressed correctly, can significantly impact datab...


17:00 - 17:50 Ops: 421 Ops
Shaun Thomas What's our Vector, Victor?
Taking the pain out of AI with pg_vectorize

presented by Shaun Thomas

AI is a hot topic right now, and for good reason! Natural Language Search and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) are two great ways to leverage data stored in Postgres in an immediately useful way. Why use Full Text Search when we can search for intent and related topics?

Actually doing it on the other hand is a huge pain. We need to choose an embedding model to vectorize the data, t...


17:00 - 17:20 Dev: 422 Dev
Neil Hansen Don't Stop Retrievin': Building lightning-fast search in Postgres

presented by Neil Hansen

In this talk, we'll explore the incredible extensibility of PostgreSQL by demonstrating how ParadeDB built advanced full-text search capabilities into the database. Using pg_search, our open-source Postgres extension, we'll showcase a real-world application: a blazingly fast search interface for MusicBrainz, the open encyclopedia of music.

Key points we'll cover:

  1. The challenges of im...

17:30 - 17:50 Dev: 422 Dev
Ryan Booz Mastering PostgreSQL Partitioning: Supercharge Performance and Simplify Maintenance

presented by Ryan Booz

As your database grows, the performance and maintenance of large tables can become challenging. Fear not! PostgreSQL has the right tool for the job: declarative table partitioning. In this talk, I will explore the benefits of partitioning in PostgreSQL, including improved performance and simplified maintenance.

After introducing the benefits of table partitioning, I’ll discuss the different ...


17:30 - 17:50 Essentials: 420 Essentials
PostgresConf Organizers Exhibitor Reception

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

Level 2 - Flex AB

18:00 - 20:00 Level 2 - Flex AB
PostgresConf Organizers Registration

presented by PostgresConf Organizers


07:50 - 15:50 Level 1 - Summit Lobby
PostgresConf Organizers Keynote

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

"Microsoft Keynote Room Level 5 - Ballroom 1"

08:10 - 09:30 Microsoft Keynote Room: Level 5 - Ballroom 1
PostgresConf Organizers Community Zone

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

Level 3 - Garden Lounge

09:30 - 18:00 Level 3 - Garden Lounge
Sukhpreet Bedi Peter Celentano Postgres Hooks: What are they and how Trusted Language Extensions make use of them?
What is TLE and how can I get started?

presented by Sukhpreet Bedi and Peter Celentano

One of PostgreSQL’s most powerful functions is often unknown to many users - the Postgres implementation of “hooks” allows for safe access to core features of the database engine. While using hooks used to require a knowledge of the C programming language to leverage, Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL allows for safe access to Postgres hooks via trusted Postgres languages we know and l...


CANCELED 09:40 - 10:30 Dev: 422 Dev
Aaron Cutshall SQL Team Six: How to Build Effective Teams
The essentials of leadership and effective teams

presented by Aaron Cutshall

Effective leadership and efficient teams are critical to success, where today's business requirements put people with diverse backgrounds, skills, and experiences together in teams under tight schedules with intense pressure. Therefore, teamwork is essential in all areas of our work life, including how we interact with other teams daily. Lessons learned from highly effective teams, such as SEAL...


09:40 - 10:30 Essentials: 420 Essentials
Kumar Ramamurthy Adarsha Kuthuru PostgreSQL 17: Performance, Efficiency, and Simplified Backups - A Live Demo Showcase
PostgreSQL 17: Performance, Efficiency, and Simplified Backups - A Live Demo Showcase

presented by Kumar Ramamurthy and Adarsha Kuthuru

Unlock the full potential of PostgreSQL 17 with this dynamic demo showcase. Witness the power of its performance enhancements, from faster query execution with streaming reads and optimized indexes to improved vacuuming efficiency for large databases. Experience the simplicity of space-saving incremental backups using pg_basebackup, ensuring robust data protection without sacrificing storage r...


09:40 - 10:30 Ops: 421 Ops
PostgresConf Organizers Exhibit Hall

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

"Exhibit Hall Level 2 - Flex AB"

10:30 - 16:00 Exhibit Hall: Level 2
Joe Conway Collation Challenges
Sorting it Out

presented by Joe Conway

Background: "libc" is commonly used as a shorthand for the "standard C library", a library of standard functions that can be used by all C programs. glibc is the GNU C Library implementation, which is used on all major Linux distributions (e.g. AL, RHEL, Debian/Ubuntu, SuSE). The glibc library,, provides most of the foundational C routines such as open, read, write, malloc, printf, and ...


10:40 - 11:30 Essentials: 420 Essentials
BAJI SHAIK Rajeshkumar Sabankar Tackling Scheduling Challenges with pg_cron and pg_dbms_job
Tackling Scheduling Challenges with pg_cron and pg_dbms_job

presented by BAJI SHAIK and Rajeshkumar Sabankar

Migrating from databases like Oracle to PostgreSQL presents unique scheduling challenges that can impact the automation of critical tasks such as maintenance, batch jobs, and data processing. This presentation will address these challenges, highlighting the differences in scheduling mechanisms and the complexities involved in adapting existing task workflows to PostgreSQL. We will explore the a...


10:40 - 11:30 Ops: 421 Ops
Fernando  Laudares Camargos Designing a check-in system for a space cruise line with PostgreSQL's new bidirectional replication

presented by Fernando Laudares Camargos

Let’s get ready and prepare in advance; space tourism is coming soon!

While the tickets will surely be available online for those with a very large credit card limit, we shall not take the Internet for granted in outer space. When the cruiser stops on Mars for a quick tour, we better have a system that won’t rely on a server hosted on Earth to control the offboarding and onboarding of passen...


10:40 - 11:30 Dev: 422 Dev
Neelam Koshiya Best practices for querying vector data for gen AI apps in PostgreSQL
PGvector extension

presented by Neelam Koshiya

PostgreSQL makes it easier to store and query vector data for AI/ML use cases with the pgvector extension. Learning best practices for vector search will help you deliver a high-performance experience to your customers. In this session, learn how to store data from Amazon Bedrock in an Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition database and learn what SQL queries and tuning parameters optimize...


11:40 - 12:30 Dev: 422 Dev
Thuymy Tran Wanda  He Aurora PostgreSQL for SQL Server DBAs

presented by Thuymy Tran and Wanda He

This session takes the angle of a SQL Server DBA, compares and contrasts Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL platform/features for addressing database lifecycle management challenges, such as, high availability, disasters recovery, backup/restore, performance scalability, patch/upgrade, and on-going maintenance tasks.

11:40 - 12:30 Essentials: 420 Essentials
Julian Fischer Klutch
Revolutionizing PostgreSQL Automation with Kubernetes

presented by Julian Fischer

Klutch is a powerful open-source framework to simplify PostgreSQL automation across diverse infrastructures and hundreds of Kubernetes clusters. In this talk, we'll explore how Klutch provides developers with a seamless, Kubernetes-native self-service experience, while delivering centralized control and operational efficiency. Attendees will learn how Klutch addresses common challenges, such a...


11:40 - 12:00 Ops: 421 Ops
Arnab Saha Mastering RDS Maintenance: Strategies for Patching and Version Upgrades

presented by Arnab Saha

Ensuring the smooth operation of Amazon RDS instances requires adept management of patching and version upgrades, spanning from operating system updates to database enhancements. In this session, we delve into the intricacies of RDS maintenance operations, demystifying the process of operating system patching and database version upgrades. We start by exploring how operating system patching wor...


12:10 - 12:30 Ops: 421 Ops
PostgresConf Organizers Lunch

presented by PostgresConf Organizers

"AWS Dining Hall Level 2 - Flex C"

12:20 - 14:00 AWS Dining Hall Level 2 - Flex C
Sukhpreet Bedi ANITA SINGH Designing Scalable Multi-Tenant Architectures with PostgreSQL for SaaS Solutions
Multi-tenancy with PostgreSQL databases

presented by Sukhpreet Bedi and ANITA SINGH

Tenant isolation, resource sharing, security, and performance are critical in designing multi-tenant database architectures. SaaS providers leverage these architectures to consolidate databases, enhancing agility, scalability, operational efficiency, and cost optimization. In this session, we will explore multi-tenancy partitioning models, cost optimization strategies, high availability, disast...


13:30 - 14:20 Ops: 421 Ops
Bill Tang Innovating Customer Experience with Postgres: Transforming Health and Wellness at HERE Spa

presented by Bill Tang

As the wellness industry continues to evolve, customer experience has become a key differentiator. At HERE Spa, we’ve utilized innovative technology powered by PostgreSQL to deliver exceptional, personalized customer experiences. This proposal outlines how we integrate PostgreSQL into our data management and operational workflows to streamline bookings, personalize treatments, and optimize clie...


13:30 - 13:50 Dev: 422 Dev
Dave Stokes Where Does Your Data Go After You Input data?
See How and Where You Data Goes To Disk

presented by Dave Stokes

Are you a novice at PostgreSQL and wondering, 'Where does my data go after I use INPUT? ' This is a presentation on how PostgreSQL handles your data so that you can understand the terminology and functions going on 'behind the scenes' when you store data. This talk will cover how to 'see' what the server is doing to your data. You will leave this session with a better understanding of the 'alph...


13:30 - 13:50 Essentials: 420 Essentials
Shailesh Doshi Efficient Row Level Security in Different Database Platforms
Design multi tenant solutions in data and generative AI using powerful knowledge bases

presented by Shailesh Doshi

Row Level Security (RLS) although very convenient for implementing fine-grained access control in databases, it can be very inefficient and ineffective if designed improperly. This session discusses RLS in different database platforms, pros and cons, and different use cases and real-world issues with RLS. The focus of the session will be on techniques to design an effective and efficient databa...


14:00 - 14:20 Dev: 422 Dev
Pavlo Golub Customizing the Wordle Game Experience with PostgreSQL

presented by Pavlo Golub

Discover the endless possibilities of PostgreSQL as a gaming platform by harnessing its ability to customize the Wordle game. Explore how PostgreSQL empowers developers to redefine the game experience through three core entities:

  • The available word set. Do we want to allow all words or only popular and well-known ones? Do we want to limit a set to some topic, e.g., IT-slang terms, or geogr...

14:00 - 14:20 Essentials: 420 Essentials
Ryan Booz Query Optimizations and Where to Find Them: A Beginners Guide

presented by Ryan Booz

Creating consistently fast, efficient queries and applications requires effort. Regardless of improvements to hardware, query planning, data storage, and all things AI, users generally only care about one metric; how fast queries respond. And although it may surprise you in 2024, improving problem queries still requires human intervention in many cases. Knowing where to begin and some of the fi...


14:30 - 15:20 Essentials: 420 Essentials
Shaun Thomas Kubernetes Killed the High Availability Star
How to stop worrying and embrace Postgres in the cloud

presented by Shaun Thomas

Doing High Availability with Postgres is hard. So hard that even the experts get it wrong due to unforeseen edge cases. Quorum, CAP and PACELC theory, fencing, STONITH, network partitions and split brains, RPO, RTO, SLA, sync and async replication, node count and architecture, proxies, connection pools, load balancers... And then there's the tools! EFM, repmgr, Patroni, Stolon, pg_auto_fail...


14:30 - 14:50 Ops: 421 Ops
Sai Srirampur Overcoming Common Pitfalls of Postgres Logical Decoding

presented by Sai Srirampur

At PeerDB, we are building a fast and simple way to replicate data from Postgres to data warehouses like ClickHouse etc. and queues such as Kafka etc. We implement Postgres Change Data Capture (CDC) to reliably replicate changes from Postgres to other data stores. Postgres Logical Decoding is a building block of Postgres CDC. It enables users to stream changes on Postgres as a sequence of logic...


14:30 - 14:50 Dev: 422 Dev
Jonah Harris Surpassing 100K Postgres Connections With An In-Database Connection Pooling Extension
Efficiently Scaling Postgres with Simplified Connection Management

presented by Jonah Harris

Managing high volumes of connections in PostgreSQL is critical for optimal performance and scalability. Traditionally, PgBouncer has been the go-to external connection pooler, offering lightweight and efficient connection management. In this talk, we introduce a version of PgBouncer that extends its functionality, allowing it to run either standalone or directly within PostgreSQL as an in-datab...


15:00 - 15:50 Ops: 421 Ops
Alvaro Costa-Neto Seamless Transition: Migrating from Commercial to Open Source Databases
Using Aurora Postgres with Babelfish extension

presented by Alvaro Costa-Neto

Migrating from legacy SQL Server databases is time consuming and resource intensive. Babelfish extends your Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition database with the ability to accept database connections from SQL Server clients. Join this session to learn how SQL Server applications work directly with Aurora PostgreSQL with few to no code changes compared to traditional migration and witho...


15:00 - 15:50 Dev: 422 Dev
Neelam Koshiya Responsible AI in generative AI era
science and practice

presented by Neelam Koshiya

Abstract* This session explores the ethical dimensions of generative AI, focusing on responsible development and deployment. We delve into challenges like biased outputs, misinformation, and deepfakes. Emphasis is placed on transparency, explainability, and mitigating biases. Privacy safeguards, diversity in training data, and adherence to regulatory frameworks are discussed. Collaboration amo...


15:30 - 16:20 Essentials: 420 Essentials
Robert Bernier Managing A CitusDB Replication Cluster With Patroni

presented by Robert Bernier

You may have worked with Patroni and even CitusDB but have you ever worked with them together? This session will go through the steps of creating a CitusDB architecture that will have all the automated disaster recovery capabilities that you have come to love and expect from a standard replication cluster managed by Patroni.

16:00 - 16:50 Ops: 421 Ops
Nitin Jadhav A deep dive into the file format and internals of write-ahead logging of PostgreSQL
A deep dive into the file format and internals of write-ahead logging of PostgreSQL

presented by Nitin Jadhav

This talk offers a comprehensive examination of the Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) mechanism within PostgreSQL, focusing on its file format and internal workings. WAL is a fundamental feature that ensures data durability by recording changes in a log before they are applied to the database. The talk delves into the three-step WAL process—logging, writing, and checkpointing—and discusses the benefits...


16:00 - 16:50 Dev: 422 Dev
Chandra Pathivada Top 10 PostgreSQL Myths and Misconceptions – Debunked

presented by Chandra Pathivada

Learning never ends, especially in the world of PostgreSQL. In this 20-minute interactive session, we’ll dive into the top 10 myths and misconceptions that every DBA encounters. Whether it’s performance, indexing, or security, we’ll debunk these common misunderstandings and provide you with the clarity you need to manage your PostgreSQL environments with confidence. Expect a fun and engaging se...


16:30 - 16:50 Essentials: 420 Essentials