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Fernando has been working with Linux and open source for the past 20 years, first in a DevOps role and later specializing in database technologies. He joined Percona in 2013 and has been focusing on the universe of PostgreSQL and MySQL with a pinch of Kubernetes.

No video of the event yet, sorry!

Let’s get ready and prepare in advance; space tourism is coming soon!

While the tickets will surely be available online for those with a very large credit card limit, we shall not take the Internet for granted in outer space. When the cruiser stops on Mars for a quick tour, we better have a system that won’t rely on a server hosted on Earth to control the offboarding and onboarding of passengers. What if an alien decides to check in mid-trip and a supernova is blocking the satellite connection?

I’m sure the space tourism industry has this kind of concern on the top of their heads while planning space cruises. The idea for this small experiment (and talk) actually follows a consulting project I worked on a legacy application whose synchronization process for two independent PostgreSQL servers generated a few terabytes of temporary files per day for a small, less than 50G database—even when there were no changes in the dataset, a true “brute force” approach! These days, there are better ways to achieve this, such as using PostgreSQL’s new bidirectional replication, which debuted in version 16. To be fair, that’s not a new feature, but an improvement of the existing logical replication implementation that makes bidirectional replication possible. I bet you would be hard-pressed to name a better use case for it than space tourism!

While this presentation focuses on this extended functionality of PostgreSQL replication, I start it with schema design and defining the source of truth for its various components, something that is often overlooked by developers in the conceptual process of a new application.

2024 November 7 10:40 PST
50 min
Dev: 422
Seattle 2024