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Neelam Koshiya is principal solutions architect at AWS with specialization in GENAI/ML. With a background in software engineering, she moved organically into an architecture role. Her current focus is to help enterprise customers with their cloud-adoption journeys for strategic business outcomes. Her area of depth is machine learning. She likes to build content/mechanisms to scale to larger audience. She is passionate about innovation and inclusion. In her spare time, she enjoys reading and being outdoors.

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Abstract* This session explores the ethical dimensions of generative AI, focusing on responsible development and deployment. We delve into challenges like biased outputs, misinformation, and deepfakes. Emphasis is placed on transparency, explainability, and mitigating biases. Privacy safeguards, diversity in training data, and adherence to regulatory frameworks are discussed. Collaboration among industry, academia, and policymakers is crucial to establish ethical guidelines. The session also explores emerging technologies, emphasizing the need for a responsible and sustainable future in the generative AI landscape.

Additional Information* 1) Prerequisite Knowledge - Basic understanding of data science, AWS 2) Intended Takeaway - Learn how you can incorporate/practice responsible AI while building genai application 3) Target Audience - DS, AS, ECON, BIE, DE, PM, SDE, SA.

2024 November 7 15:30 PST
50 min
Essentials: 420
Seattle 2024